Open Positions
Postdoctoral Fellow
The lab is seeking a highly-motivated, creative, resourceful and honest postdoctoral fellow to spearhead the cellular and molecular investigation of a top causal CAD gene. Methods will include working with complex genetic mouse models, single-cell RNA and ATACseq of mouse and human vascular tissue, ChIP-seq, highly-multiplexed CRISPR, and bioinformatic analyses of large datasets.
Research Specialist
We have an open position for a research specialist/lab manager. Applicants should be detail-oriented, organized and motivated to grow and learn new techniques.
Graduate Students
Rotations are available for graduate students interested in learning how to use human genetics to identify the most important pathways mediating complex human diseases, including coronary artery disease. Great opportunity to gain exposure to single-cell multi-omics methods and datasets, highly multiplexed CRISPR and other cutting-edge methods for perturbing gene function.
Undergraduate Students
We have open positions for undergraduate students who would like to gain exposure to human disease-focused, lab-based research. Positions include work-study and research for credit. Undergraduates are included on publications commensurate with their contributions!